Bias || Management Realities in Decision Making

Everyone has biases.  It is impossible to go through life and face situations without them.  Generally speaking, a bias is a tendency, outlook or belief which fuels a judgment.  These are built over time based on a number of factors; like personal and professional experiences, education, family and things shaping your environment.  Something happens, you process […]

Training versus Education

Consider this debate – education versus training.  Is there a difference?  I recently discussed this with a respected colleague.  He posed this question and I had fun thinking about this.  I think there is.  We both agreed education is about learning something.  It can be and usually is a very academic approach for the learner.  […]

The New Book!

Whatever it is, it will always happen.  Which formula works best?  Managers are tasked everyday to get things done.  They are asked to get things done through others and are constantly challenged with how to get it done.  You see, there is no formula which fits all situations.  It changes and the variables are too […]

Create something new.

Things have changed.  Create Training and Consulting is moving and evolving.  To what end?  In the past year, difficult as it has been for all of us, it has been a year of discovery.  It has been a year of research into adult learning.  It has been a year of defining how training moves more […]