#Gen Y: Just the Facts, Ma’am

I came of age in the 1980’s.  I think it was a Wednesday in 1985.  Her name was Casey and it isn’t what you think.  It was during a dinner with a friend I realized I could order a glass of wine legally.  We were in Fayetteville, AR.  I was in university at the time.  […]

#Gen Y: Talking ’bout my Generation

When were you born?  Does it matter?  Yes, and for many reasons.  One of those is the reality of who you are and the characteristics you display based on the generation you now represent.  More on how I exactly feel about this later. In the workplace today we have at a maximum, four generations interacting […]

Gen Y: A Prelude

My son is 21.  He was born in 1989, which squarely places him in the middle of Generation Y, also known as Millenials and Nexters.  He and his fellow Millenials represent the fast moving, up and coming portion of our workforce.  With my dad’s generation, the Baby Boomers, now going rapidly into retirement, Generation Y […]


Bandwidth is typically associated with computing and, more specifically, the speed at which computing occurs. In the business and corporate world, it is now a word more analogously used in defining one’s ability to understand or get a job done. Even contemplating that sentence makes me go “cross-eyed”. I might be used like this… “Does […]