A management training discussion

I had a discussion recently.  We all have them.  I love ‘em.  They inform.  They stimulate.  They provoke thought.  We discuss the weather, politics and sports.  We chat about our issues, our kids and our pastimes.  We speak with our peers about our jobs.  I had one of those.  I love what I do and […]

managerial mendacity

The customer is always right…right?  No.  That is not true.  It is a lie.  Here is where we get to go.  This fabled statement is not an entire truth since a customer could absolutely be lying about something to get something else in return.  Maybe something at no cost.  So are they right?  NO.  Stanley […]

Managerial “-isms”

When you become manager, you are typically given a lot of information.  From learning what the process is for staffing or scheduling to what is being measured and tracked to how to deal with customer relations.  There is a lot to know…and do. Having worked with management, with managers and with curriculum development for a […]