sales & service: when the holidays create pain

“I’m at my limit.”  What does that mean?  What is your threshold for a job?  The term threshold comes from, I think, well: “The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt. Hence the saying, “Dirt poor.” The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery in the winter when wet, so […]

sales & service: selling in seconds

As sales reps we have been trained and trained again to do certain things when a customer shows up.  We all know the five steps in selling: Hi, what do you need, here it is (with some extras attached), buy it and thank you (tell others how awesome I am).  What if the customer is […]

Sales & Service: Right or Rich?

Let’s talk sales.  I was reminded of something today about sales and customer service.  Oh yeah, question, are they different or the same?  This is something I love to ask my learners in sales training.  I love the debate which ensues.  There will inevitably be one group who are convinced it is separate.  They are […]

Standard; to be or not to be?

I was preparing for a client’s presentation and happened to mention to my wife that I did not really agree with one of their standards.  Now, please note…my wife is easily one of the best managers I have ever known.  Wait for it, there will be heck to pay.  The standard was to greet the […]

Managerial Moment

Have you ever just stopped and paid attention to what was happening around you?  Have you ever been so wrapped up in stuff, you forgot the reality?  You were trying to meet “x” and then “y” got in the way and then you took a pause and then there was “z”? You have one of […]

Retail To Don’t List

So Windows 8 launched recently, and with my Samsung laptop doing a bit of “hiccupping” (I am sure there is a better technical term for this), I decided to check it out.  I went to Best Buy.  It is close to the office.  No intention of buying unless otherwise engaged.  I would actually buy…I would.  […]

Managerial Exceptional-ism

So here is another thought on the same line as my last post. What if you are a manager and YOU are just merely good at what you do, not elite?  What a slap in the face, right?   I am positive you look in the mirror and see more than just good.  Sorry, I have […]