managerial face

OK, hang on…this could be quirky.  I was watching the movie Brave.  Scottish, animated and about arrows.  That is really not all the movie says.  Although my daughters now each have a love for archery.  I did to and still kinda…OK, the topic.  The voice of King Fergus is Billy Connolly.  He is a Scottish […]

Management Musing: I want to say this!

Once, I was out with my mother.  We were shopping for “whatever”.  I was a teenager.  That should be enough said to consider how this unfolded.  My mother said she couldn’t find the “whatever”.  Breathe.  I said, “Umm Mom, here’s an idea.  Do you know they hire people to work in the store?  Why not […]

sales & service: the 10% factor

I had a manager once who said something which surprised me.  Not the idea.  Just that it came from him.  He wasn’t that witty.  Well, perhaps that is a bit harsh.  Sorry.  He said that (paraphrasing mind you), “where we must excel is involved in the 10% we do.”  Now stop for a second and […]