
Come on, really, what’s up?  Have you ever had that moment when you said that?  Have you ever just wanted to scream?  Have you ever wondered why that today, (expletive added for your own enjoyment or validation)?  I have had a day like that…oh, let me think…yeah oh, uh  every day…thank you very much.  Does that make the day a failure or some sort of bad karma-kind-o-thing?  Well, first off, while I do believe you get what you put out, someone else decides what happens next.  You do and then whatever else happens next.  You add whatever belief structure you choose.  I will not go down that road.  You go down your road as you wish.

I am talking about a crazy day and everything is taking place simultaneously and you have to pick and choose.  Today, I’m leaving for Toronto.  I did a lot of packing and getting ready last night and there where many things yet to be done in the morning.  This morning, just before packing up the Subaru, I heard from the upstairs, “Are you going to pay attention to your daughters before you leave?”  Here is the thing; my wife is my compass in life.  If not for her, I would be adrift in unchartered waters.  I do not give her enough credit.  She rocks.  She was adjusting my compass.  She was challenging my “getting ready and being very organized for my trip” versus my “your daughters will be without you for five days, do you realize that?” kinda-thing.  Thank God for her.

Think about your day, what is happening?  What is important?  Prioritization is everything in life – especially in retail management.  I have to sell stuff and Skippy is late, the inventory must be done and the most recent client came in and threw the phone at the sales consultant – yikes!  What takes precedence?  Oh yeah, and your daughter has her first soccer game this weekend and you will not be able to attend her practice.  How does that feel?

Do you ever feel like life is passing by at an incredibly high rate of speed?  Yeah, me too.  Welcome to life.  OK.  Pay attention.  You are a manager.  Someone at a higher level than you felt you could get it done, so what makes you do what you do when you do it?  I have my drive, what is yours?  What makes you move forward?  That is the key. Recently, I was working with a client.  This was a train the trainer thing.  The new trainer loved surfing.  He told me a couple of stories and each showed his passion for surfing.  As I listened, I was compelled to feel his story.  I could tell he loved what he was saying.  This, I believe, fuels all that he does…even in a bad, terrible, not-what-I-expected-kind of day.  Seriously?  Yep.  What amplifies you?  What propels you through the junk?

Is that the question?  What helps you through the madness?  You will encounter this each and every day.  You will have this in some way in every day you step up and be manager.  Be careful.  You have to decide – you will have to move forward, but with what kind of resolve? This is where we attack.  What makes our resolve?

Clarity.  If you know what you are supposed to do, without ambiguity, you do it.  Imagine that!

Support.  I want you to do this and then I will give you what you need to be successful, cool!

Empowerment.  You do this and it is your call.  And I will support your call, thank you!

Ownership.  I did it.  It did whatever.  It is respected.  I own what I did!

Measurement.  I did it.  It did this.  We saw this and it did that.  I know how I scored!

Action.  Does the management know what I did?  And then what?

I think about my wife.  I always think about her.  Should I tell her more?  I think so.  She would say (I think) that I need to pay a heartier attention to my family.  I have been building the business for the last 5 years.  Has it been that long?  Yep.  I can promise your day will be busy and hectic and not what you expect.  While the family is critical, you have to figure out the balance.  You have to play business-person.  Is that who you are?  Stop.  That is not a bad thing.  That is what it is.  My wife challenges about the things I cannot replicate.  My daughter has practice this week and next.  I will miss both.  I will see the game, but not the “building of skills”.  I will see the game; that is good, right?  Which is more important; the work or the game?  Think about your own reality. Which is more important, the build or the doing?  Cuz stuff will get in the way and you will have to embrace…uh, what?

I am at the airport and I am writing this while people are flying everywhere all at once.  They want to somewhere else, right?  What makes what they do make sense?  It’s the paycheck, right?  I chose to be away from my children and family because of a paycheck?  No.  I would rather be with my children.  They are at church.  My wife is there without me.  The check does not replace my desire to be there right now.  And as I write this, I realize, “what the whatever”.  Life got in the way of me being with the fam.  This day promotes another day somewhere in the future whereby the fam and I have time together.  Some thing will always get in the way.  It will.  Grace is playing soccer right now.  Sarah is trying to be her big sister.  Shey is running again and doing so well – I am proud of her.  Most of this is when I am away.  My wife is doing awesome as a mum.  I am leaving for Toronto.  Something in the way, right?

Life can be harder.  It isn’t that hard.  When you find yourself saying “come on!”,  look at your life.  Managing is like living life, it happens.  Suck it up and embrace it.  It will change.  Every day.  And it won’t be what you expect and then…what?
