Why Manager?

At what point did you realize the decision to be a manager was a good one?  Or the right one?  I was bright-eyed and had no clue what was next.  I have often said, “I did not know what I did not know”.  Then, one day, I did figure some things out and the job became easier.  I wonder…was it then I evolved from being a manager to a leader?  Pay attention the following questions and consider your honest reflection and answer to each.

Why did you become a manager?

I became one because I was out of university and it presented itself.  And it was in retail, so I thought it would be easy.  The thought of managing others is always easy, until you have to.  So to answer the question, it seemed like the right thing to do at the time, for me.  What about you?  Was it the title?  The pay?  Or how about the challenge?  I venture to say if managers knew what they were getting into, they might not make the same decision again.  I don’t think it is the job – the job is easy.  It is the people part.  It is the part where you may have to invest and trust that someone you lead has a part in your own destiny.  Is this too deep?  It’s just selling stuff, right?  It’s not like I am trying to take the hill or get a touchdown.  It is a cloudy Wednesday and three people walked in today and they were just looking.  At some point managing others has to involve what you do and say to and with others.

Your team, any team for that matter is such a valuable part of the company.  They are the front line.  They don’t wake up wanting to fail, and they also may not wake up wanting to do what you do.  So is that the rub, the challenge?  They don’t think like you.  Is that the hardest part of the job?  They have good day and bad days.  They have ups and downs and then you have to manage that.

Was it what you expected?

I remember thinking. “Holy crap.  This is what I have to do?”  And yet, even in the worst of days, I still walked forward.  At the same time, if I did not understand, I asked for help.  I spoke to my boss.  I spoke to my team (highly recommend that one).  I read books.  I went to workshops.  I got some instruction on what managing needs to look like, sound like and be like.  I know a whole lot more now than when I started – for sure.  And in some ways, I would be just as challenged today as I was back in the day (As Dane Cook says, it was Wednesday).  Here is why the ever-changing work place is influenced by the current scene.  This is all the generational, environmental, social and global stuff that is makes now… now.  Guess what?  I would still figure it out.  I would be aware, ask questions, get help and reach for training as needed.  That part does not change.  Your expectation in getting the job done has to be linked to your own expectation in being who you are as a person.  That is a driver.  Get it?

So is the bigger question, why did you stay a manager?  Especially now knowing what you know.

My wife and I have ups and downs.  And no matter what, I will always stand by her side.  I look at my girls and see all the potential I will never have.  It moves me to be better at my job.  Some may say, “huh, uh, isn’t this about management?”  Yes, look at the parallels.  It is about acknowledging your landscape and responsibilities.  I forget that from time to time.  Managing others means ups and downs.  It is about looking into the eyes of those who you lead and then leading them, dammit.  Some may say “Yeah, but Todd drives me crazy, Skippy sucks my will to live and if it were not for Mary, I would stop being a manager this very second.”  Yep, and it is a rainy day in Colorado, my stomach is bothering me, the wall is a creamy-khaki color and my dog’s name is Sophie.  Someone decided you matter enough to give you a store and team.  Welcome to life.  Seriously, ruck up and get it done.  Don’t waste time worrying about…the stuff you cannot control.  Control what you can, which is possibly only your reaction.  You are the manager, so be one.  And if it is not what you want or what you expected, decide to stand or give it to someone else.

I have a video series I am building.  This will be a segment.  Thank you for indulging me.
