#Management ponderings / Intro

I have been traveling again.  A lot as a matter of fact.  My client has had me engaging managers across Canada.  It has been amazing to share strategy, ideas and best practices.  We have had six sessions with six to go.  Therefore I will be posting for the remaining six sessions.  I have chosen this point, this middle point to provide insight into what I have experienced as a facilitator and the most frequently asked questions.  I will post in the a.m. and the p.m. following each of my remaining days.  The a.m. post will take my perspective of the managers and bridge it to what managers must consider and embrace with their own teams.  While the p.m. post will explore what the managers are asking.

I will act as an artist with a full palette to paint my impressions of the managerial landscape.  What you will see may not necessarily be what I am painting.  That is OK.  That fits my anti-training philosophy where leadership and management formulas are problematic and the job (a.k.a. manager’s reality) is predominantly improvisational and unscripted.  Take what you need and run with it.  Make it yours.  Try it more than once.  Think small steps and never give up on yourself or your team.
