
What a morning.  Good times.  I shared with others about an interesting topic.  What are your gifts?  What do you bring to the table?  What are you good at?  This can be tough.  I believe this is the ultimate question.  A classic question to establish meaning or worth or validation.  It is also tough because of the “definition” of gift.  Really?  Does it involve a certain thing in a certain size or scale…maybe with a blue bow?  Is it shiny?  What AM I good at?  I have a gift of the gab and people like what I have to say, so that’s it, right?  I am not trying to be glib.  In the management and leadership sense, it can be something as simple as can I facilitate a good meeting?  Do people want to follow me?  Does what I do matter to someone else in a way that helps or grows or develops a skill or a thing?

Not necessary.  What for it…it depends.  It really does.  I’m sorry.  The guys I hung out with all agreed that while a training in what is right gives you important insight, the “it” does depend on the moment and the circumstances.  You see sometimes someone needs a pat on the back while others needs you to give them a clear direction to how to do “x”.  You see we are given such small windows at times.  Just a nano-second.  And if we do the right thing, does that mean we are gifted?  Maybe.

You see, the question has great merit.  I want to know if I am gifted.  The second question, in my opinion, is more important.  Will I be willing to act?  One is about ability.  The other is about willingness.  That suggests we may already know our gift…and we know that we may have, well, limitations or hesitations or reservations.  We have that certain something and we hold back.  So really, which becomes the bigger or harder question to face?  I don’t know what it is or I do know what it is, but just haven’t done anything about it yet?

Heavy conversation?  For some, not all…yes.  Make it about retail management.  We all know what is expected and we all have certain skills.  No question.  Some of you (or us) are good at numbers or inventory or merchandising.  That is easy and it comes very naturally.  Get it done.  Sure.  Others have a people side.  They know how to move people, how to communicate better than others.  Others have a strategic side and the ability how to turn concepts into tactics.  Just do this and get this.  And others don’t know yet.  They were a sales rep yesterday and now they are a manager of their three best buddies and are scared to death to not make a mistake.  What are they gifted to do?

This was a very special day this morning.  While the question was big and maybe even caused some apprehension, it forced me to be aware of the second question…am I willing to move if I figure out my gift?  I may not know the answer to what I good at.  But I had better be open to letting it happen if I do.  I AM good at meetings.  Well, I had better make sure people are at them and getting the message.  I AM good at inventory.  I better be able to ensure my company is not out of stock when it matters.  I AM good at logistics.  Well, you get it.

Last thing.  Do not overcomplicate your gift, your “it”.  Remember, it depends.  It will depend.  Sometimes it is not huge.  It can be something small from your perspective and huge from someone else’s.  Maybe they just need to have their hand held…no, literally.  And then, are you willing to hold it?

See your gift?
